11th December 2017
By Jaskaran Deu, Director, Deu Estates
Condensation is often an problem in rental properties. There are many reasons that lead to matters surrounding Condensation; and much of them can be due to the way in which a property is kept by occupiers.
Many occupants are unaware of what condensation is and how it arises as they are first time renters, especially student tenants.
Unipol have provided some very helpful advice on the matter; so, we are here to share this very important information with you.
Condensation is caused when moisture meets a cold surface (such as a window) or a surface that gets little air (e.g. behind a wardrobe). Water droplets are, then formed. The water seeps into windows and/or runs down the walls, which in turn can cause wallpaper/paint to peel and create mould patches.
It is the tenants' responsibility to stop condensation. Tenants should be advised to do the following for prevention:
- Close the kitchen door when cooking and/or if possible, keep a window open.
- Use extractor fans where provided
- Keep kitchen and bathroom doors closed to prevent moisture escaping into the rest of the house
- Always cook with pan lids on, and turn the heat down once the water has boiled
- Keep doors closed when having a baths/showers. Open a window or use the extractor fan (if provided) and keep the bathroom door shut when you have finished.
- Dry clothes outside. Not inside the property.
- Keep the temperature levels of your house equal (do not heat one room and leave another; this will overstress the condensation problem)
- Keep heat on a low constant temperature, increase the heat as and when required. This will eliminate the cold surfaces. (this should not increase your bills as it is at higher cost when heating from cold to hot)
- Keep large items away from walls, e.g. beds and wardrobes.
- When filling your bath, run the cold water first then add the hot - it will reduce the steam by 90% which leads to condensation.
- Open to the first notch of a window downstairs/upstairs and open all interior doors - this will allow drier air to circulate; to be done for about 30 minutes each day for full effect.
I hope the above information has helped you gain further insight into the issue of Condensation and the best ways in which it can be prevented.
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